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Power Generation

EHV Cable

Extra-High Voltage OF Cable Accessories

As accessories used for extra-high voltage OF cable construction, these are largely classified into terminations, joint, Y branch joint, etc.

  • Outdoor Termination (EB-A) : It is used to interconnect overhead lines and underground lines in outdoor substations.
  • Gas-Insulated Termination (EB-G), Oil-Insulated Termination (EB-O) : These are mainly installed in indoor substations, and are used in a narrow space or when the separation distance from other buildings is limited.
  • Normal Joint (NJ): It is used to electrically interconnect cables or connect oil duct
  • Insulated Joint (IJ): Used to insulate the metal sheath of the cables on both sides to reduce sheath current, and reduce sheath loss
  • Sustain Joint (SJ): A stop unit is used for stable connection of cables on both sides when the cable hydraulic pressure is unbalanced
  • Sustain-Insulation Joint (SIJ): It is a mixture of an insulation joint and a sustain joint. The oil supply section is separated and insulated with a metal sheath
  • Transition Joint (TJ): It is composed of a rubber stress relief cone and an epoxy unit, and an epoxy unit with built-in electrodes
  • Y branch Joint (YBJ): It is used to branch one cable line into two lines regardless of the cable type
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