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BUSINESS productAluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
As the most basic type of overhead lines, it consists of zinc-coated steel wires that handle mechanical tension and aluminum conductors that conduct electricity.
BUSINESS productHigh temperature low sag conductor
Overhead lines improved so that they can be approximately twice the transmission capacity without exceeding the outer diameter and weight of commonly used ACSR cables. They have a smaller wire sag than that of conventional wires which occurs during high-temperature operation as the capacity increases. Taihan provides ACCC/TW with carbon fiber composite material as a support wire and HSTACIR/AW with INVAR alloy as main solutions for increasing capacity.
BUSINESS productTrolley cables
Trolley cables are for supplying electric power to trains and railroad vehicles and classified into trolley wires, messenger wires, dropper wires, etc. Taihan provides customized solutions in order to satisfy the characteristics required for each type.