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Traverse Guide Puller Deployed in the U.S.




Traverse Guide Puller Deployed in the U.S. 


Taihan Cable & Solution has deployed its independently developed "Traverse Guide Puller" at a Extra high-voltage project site in New York, which the company secured in October last year.  


This technology is a new equipment and construction method designed to allow the direction of cable unwinding to be freely changed during the laying of extra-high voltage cables. It proves especially effective in busy urban areas with heavy traffic and pedestrian congestion. The operation requires the occupation of only two traffic lanes, without the need for additional setups such as cranes and scaffolding, thereby reducing public inconvenience and shortening the construction period. In comparison, conventional methods necessitate occupying three or more lanes and additional equipment.


Taihan has obtained patents for this technology in the United States, Australia, and South Korea, with patent proceedings also underway in Singapore. With this project, the company anticipates gaining a competitive edge in the rapidly expanding market for urban electrical grid replacement in the U.S.


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