Performing social contribution activities with Hoban Group
On November 12th, 2022, Hoban Group's employee volunteer group ‘Hoban Sarangnanumi' conducted a volunteer work for kimchi-making for the winter at Hyemyeong Orphanage in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul. On this day, about 50 people gathered and made about 2,200 kg of kimchi for the winter, which will be consumed by the children at the orphanage in the next year, and the executives and employees of Taihan also participated in kimchi-making for the winter and joined the meaningful sharing.
On Nov. 15th, 2022, the Hoban Scholarship Foundation and Taihan visited Dangjin City Hall and delivered a scholarship of KRW 30 million for low-income students in the city of Dangjin. Taihan has continuously made social contribution for the city of Dangjin, where the Dangjin Plant is located, and this scholarship was also delivered as part of the social contribution activities.
In addition, in order to overcome the blood supply crisis caused by the prolonged COVID-19, the 'Blood Donation Campaign of Love' was held at the Hoban Park headquarters in Seocho-dong, Seoul from the Nov. 14th to 15th, 2022 and at the Dangjin Plant and the Dangjin Cable Accessory Plant of Taihan on Nov. 16th, 2022. About 100 executives and employees participated in blood donation and blood donation certificate donation.
In addition, the Hoban Group employee volunteer group ' Hoban Sarangnanumi ' delivered KRW 10 million and 300 blood donation certificates to the Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation for children with cancer. The blood donation campaign of love is an activity that Taihan has conducted since 2013, and this year, it was expanded to the entire Hoban group.