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Global Network

M-TEC, a South African Production Corporation

Taihan’s forward base on the African continent

We established our South African Republic joint venture M-TEC in 2000 with a local South African firm. An all-arounder cable production company of optical cables, power cables and more, M-TEC is taking a step up into the ranks of the best cable producers on the African continent.

  • Establishment
  • Employees
  • Area
  • Production Items
    Power Cables, Optical Cables, Base Metal
Resilient Local Networks

We are getting into the fast-growing African market on the ground floor and expanding our global reach at the same time by leveraging the networks and capabilities, built through a long history of local production and supply. We work extensively with Korean plants in the South African Republic on plant and support projects, and have gained a reputation for our project capabilities and the quality of our work.

Tailored Production

M-TEC produces an array of products ranging from HV and MV/LV cables to instrument control cables, ACCC, and base metal. We provide products tailored to customer needs on the strength of our versatile facilities, efficient production lines, a thorough knowledge of local power grids, and a precise understanding of our customers’ needs.

The Plant
at a Glance
Contact Information
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