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Taihan is practicing eco-friendly management for nature and humans.

Conservation of environment, a valuable asset of humankind, is a task of all for the future generations. Having established Green 2030, a mid to long-term environmental strategy, Taihan will perform systematic environmental management activities based on the global environmental management system standard (ISO 14001).

Green 2030

  • Upgrade environmental policy
    • Strengthen environmental management and transparently disclose environmental information
    • Perform ecosystem conservation activities for biodiversity conservation
  • Strengthen environmental investment
    • Expand development of eco-friendly cables
    • Keep air and water pollutant discharge to a minimum
  • Practice environmental and energy management
    • Introduce state-of-the-art facilities and technologies for environmental pollution prevention
    • Recycle wastes, increase water reuse, and reduce energy consumption
  • Use new & renewable energy
    • Operate eco-friendly worksites by using new & renewable energy

Environmental Policy

Aiming for harmonious coexistence between human and nature, Taihan performs company-wide environmental management led by a dedicated division.
In addition to strictly controlling environmental impact throughout the process of manufacturing products, such as cables and cable accessories, and supplying solutions, Taihan is preemptively discovering and responding to risk factors. Moreover, Taihan makes various investments for regular inspection of and provision of environmental training to suppliers by applying a separate environmental management policy to improve environmental management competences of suppliers.

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