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ESG Management

Taihan is paving the way
for building a sustainable future.

Taihan clearly recognizes that a company’s pursuit of social value is essential for sustainable growth of not only the company itself, but also the society as a whole. Therefore, Taihan devises policies and strategies that reflect a direction and goal for the environment (E), society (S) and governance (G), respectively, and employs them across its management. In addition, we are committed to contributing to building a healthier society through meticulous management and transparent disclosure of information in a more rigorous manner than the level demanded by society.

ESG Management Strategy

Having set ESG management as a task of the highest priority for achieving the corporate vision, Taihan established the ESG management strategy specifying strategic directions and goals, etc. for each of the environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) areas. Taihan will secure a sustainable growth engine by improving eco-friendly management for the future generations, strengthening our social responsibilities to achieve shared growth with all stakeholders including employees, customers, suppliers, and local communities, and creating a fair and transparent management environment.

ESG Governance

With a goal to strengthen ESG management, Taihan installed the ESG Committee under the Board of Directors (BOD) as the first in cable industry. Deliberating and making decisions on key ESG-related policies and strategies, the ESG Committee is organized with independent directors and executive directors to enhance transparency and expertise. In addition, centering on a consultative body comprising of a division in charge of ESG management and around ten related divisions, Taihan practices systematic and substantial ESG management through meticulous and detailed consultations of the working group.

ESG Evaluation

Taihan received “Rating A” at the 2021 ESG evaluation for the first time in Korea’s electric wire industry, and therefore won recognition of the excellence of ESG management. Moving forward, Taihan, as a company leading ESG management, will strive further to make our society and environment healthier.

  • Integrated
    ESG Rating
  • Environment
  • Social
  • Governance
Evaluation Agency
Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability
Find out about Taihan’s achievements in ESG activities through ESG Report.
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